
Archive for September, 2012

Personal Branding – The Social Network Way

September 17, 2012 Leave a comment

I attended the Professionals In Human Resources Conference (PIHRA) at the end of August 2012.  Besides exceptionally interesting workshops and keynote speakers, I learned new terminology “Employer Branding”.  Companies are creating their own Social Network brand in-part to recruit potential employees.  Did you know, according to Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey results 2012: As much as 92% of recruiting is now happening through social networks!   Most popular social networks being used for recruiting:  LinkedIn 93%, Facebook 66% and Twitter 54%.  Since implementing social recruiting, 49% saw an increase in quality of candidates, 43% reported an increase in candidate quality, 20% reported it took less time to hire, 31% saw increase in employee referrals, according to the survey.  Has your company created its Social Media Brand?  As you may know I have been advocating “Personal Branding” for jobseekers for several years; interesting, the way Social Media is changing the method individuals are recruited and employed.

John Silver

ITT Technical Institute

Oh, %$#&^*, I didn’t mean to do that!

September 12, 2012 3 comments

Ever hear those words coming out of your own mouth?   They usually follow immediately AFTER you hit the SEND button on an email you did not mean to send!

I am sure we have all had that wonderful experience.   Here are some very important tips to remember, especially when sending business emails.

First, NEVER put anything in an email that you would not like the whole world to see, because they just MIGHT.   Remember that email is forever.   Even if you delete it, it is still out there somewhere in the Cloud for others to find and use.   If you doubt this, you can just ask a few Ex-Congressmen about it!   If it is important, or is sensitive information, pick up the phone or meet in person.

Second, please DO NOT use Text Message acronyms in a business email.   You may have seen LOL, or CUL, CSL, or one of my personal favorites, WDALYIC!   These are fine for text messages or Twitter posts, but definitely not for business emails.   I suspect most of those of us in the over 30+ crowd don’t know what they mean anyway!.   If you are internet speak challenged, like I am, here is a link to a site that can help

FINALLY, please DO NOT hit that *(**%  Reply All button unless you really need to!     Think of this before you hit that button.   If someone sends you an Email with just 20 recipients, and each person hits that Reply All button, 400 unecessary emails were just created!   I don’t know about you, but I have enough trouble just managing my regular Emails and all the SPAM I get, let alone 20 more with “Ditto”, or I’ll be there, or some other such nonsense.   Oh, Bill Gates, jsut where is that “Are You Sure” button?

Randy Moberg, CLTC

Chief Operating Officer

L/B/W Insurance & Financial Services, Inc.

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It’s Never Too Late!!

Well, with the Labor day holiday behind us, I guess Summer is officially over and Fall is upon us. This means we only have four more months to the end of the year. Back in January, were you one of the many people who vowed to make this year the year that you were going to become more aggressive in meeting new people and getting more involved with the business community? The growth and success of your business is counting on you! Yes, it may be September, but it is not too late if you have not yet started or have not gotten as far as you had hoped.

VIA offers you a chance every month to meet new people, promote your business, and get involved with the business community. The VIA monthly Luncheon gives you a chance to network before and after the luncheon program with the people you have been wanting to connect with. Each month, you will also enjoy a program focused on one of the many current topics of business that affect us all in Santa Clarita. Give Nancy at the VIA office a call today to reserve your seat at this month’s Luncheon on Wednesday, September 19th,  11:30am, at the Valencia Country Club. There are also numerous committees for you to be involved with that will put you out there and in front of many fellow business professionals and companies. Check out the VIA website for details on these committees and all the ways that VIA is there for you! Remember…..It is never too late!

Laura Kirchhoff
Development Associate-Special Events
Child & Family Center Foundation

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