
Archive for May, 2013

Why A Non-Profit Organization Should Join VIA

Seven Reasons Why A Non-Profit Organization
Should Join VIA


Regardless of the size of a Non-Profit Organization, its marketing budget, or years in business, there are valuable reasons why a Non-Profit organization should join VIA. Whether the Non-Profit Organization is on the national or local level, all non-profits strive for the same goals……to promote awareness of their organization, the services they offer to the community, and to raise the much needed funds to ensure that the organization and the programs that they offer will continue to serve their clients and the community at large. Via offers ways in all these areas to achieve these goals. Below is listed a few of them……

1. Visibility. Yes, you’ve heard it said time and time again, that “out of sight means out of mind”. By being a member of VIA, attending their events, and participating in business related activities, your nonprofit organization stays visible to the business professionals in our community and informs them of ways they can support your organization..

2. Access To Community Leaders & Elected Officials. When you join VIA and actively get involved you’ll discover that meeting prospects who may have an interest in your organization or who can refer you to the key contacts you’re trying to reach, is a huge benefit of membership. From being on committees or attending specific events where prospects are likely to be, you’ll find yourself in situations where you can identify and meet decision makers face-to-face.

3. Ongoing Training, Education & Professional Development. VIA offers leadership training for members through their Leadership Academy.  Members can stay updated, informed and educated all included in the price of their membership. VIA also offers training and education periodically throughout the year on a variation of topics.

4. Networking. From seminars, luncheons, the VIA B2B Show, VIA Rocks Networking Mixers, membership referrals and various business committees, there’s absolutely no excuse for not being able to meet new contacts, referrals and people who can help you with ideas and additional ways to increase the visibility and goals of your organization. These avenues are great for promoting your non-profits events and fundraisers.

The old adage, out of sight, out of mind, is so true when it relates to networking. VIA gives you several different venues to meet new people and always stay “in sight”.

5. Low cost advertising opportunities. As far as visibility at the local level, VIA offers a wide range of affordable advertising options and sponsorship packages for just about every non-profit, regardless of how big or small their budget may be. VIA offers news and advertising opportunities through its web and printed newsletter, insert opportunities at the Monthly Luncheon, sponsorship opportunities at various events, and exhibitor opportunities to showcase your organization at the annual VIA B2B Show.

6. Advocacy. VIA researches, lobbies and routinely discusses with local and regional government units, politicians and the media issues that are relevant to the needs, goals, and challenges of the Non-Profit Community. VIA keeps their membership up to date on central issues of importance pertaining to their membership and the community.

7. Credibility. As a member of VIA, your organization will be viewed as a reputable, professional Non-Profit Organization that is connected to its business community. This affiliation is also important when applying for grants and other donations.

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GOOD ADVICE: “Don’t wish your life away”!

May 13, 2013 4 comments

I was having a conversation with my daughter-in-law, who has a 3 year old and an almost 3 month old, when she said that she was “over this newborn stuff”.

Although I didn’t say anything to her, it reminded me of my mother telling me not to “wish my children older”. That I should enjoy the stages as they grew as much as possible or I would be sorry later since it goes by much too quickly and you can’t get it back.

She was right.

It is the same as the other moments in life and in business with the advice to stop thinking “I’ll be happy when…” such as:

“when we get that next contract,” or

“when we buy that new building,” or

“when business turns around”

Because, what usually happens when that “when” finally takes place?

We replace it with a new “when.”

My husband said to me last Friday, “It seems as if it was just Friday where does the time go?”

In reflecting on how quickly time passes I’m going to try and take this advice and work harder to enjoy life, family, friends, work, and the moment I’m in.

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It’s your ATTITUDE not your APTITUDE that determines your ALTITUDE by James Caan CEO of Hamilton Bradshaw

May 3, 2013 5 comments

To be successful in any area in life you need to have the right attitude, which means you have to approach any task or job with determination, tenacity and above all plenty of enthusiasm.

In business, when it comes to choosing the right individual for a certain post or promotion, I have always gone for people who have PMA – in other words Positive Mental Attitude.

Leadership and business management comes with its own set of challenges and pressures and it is a common mistake to let these problems and distractions become the major focus – that is why it is so important for senior managers to always look forward rather than backwards.

Of course, it is important for people to have skills, training and experience but I have always been a huge believer in putting attitude above aptitude. You can come fully equipped for a role but without real enthusiasm the best skill-set will count for very little. You can train somebody and give them the tools but you can’t give them the right attitude.

In my view there are two types of people in this world, and those who take the glass half empty approach are simply setting themselves up for failure no matter what targets they set themselves.

In any situation in life, people are looking for leaders to guide and direct them. That is particularly the case when you are going through a difficult or challenging period in the development of a company. Always remember there is only one person watching them and hundreds watching you.

I have always been a believer in leading by example and the nature or character of an organisation is more often than not shaped by the person at the top – that is why it is so important for senior executives to set the right tone and atmosphere.

Staff can instinctively grasp when something is not right within a business and it is vital not to panic and send out the wrong message during those difficult times and tough trading conditions – in other words stay positive.

More importantly, having the right attitude can have a real impact on the business in terms of its performance. There are too many organisations which allow a blame culture to flourish without properly understanding the negative effect it can have on the business.

When I have a bad month in my organisation, I get the senior management team together to discuss the reasons why performance isn’t the best. About 20 per cent of the meeting is normally taken up with looking at exactly what went wrong and the rest is spent discussing how to put the problem right.

Of course, it is really important to understand why something has not worked but it is even more important not to get caught up with the process of looking backwards. A firm which prefers to look to the past rather than to the future is always going to struggle in the long term.

The key to real success is an ability to adapt to change, and that will never happen if you approach every challenge with a negative attitude. People with the right mental attitude can always take something positive from a difficult situation and most important of all, will be constantly looking at ways of moving a business on to the next stage of its journey or development.

James Cann

James Cann

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